Subject: Re: When is the next release or snapshot due?
To: Gunnar Helliesen <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/03/1997 22:48:31
Gunnar Helliesen writes:
> I'm new to this mailing list even though I've been on the port-vax list
> for years. I'm currently running both NetBSD/vax and NetBSD/i386 on
> several machines and have been generally happy with it.
> Now to my question: When is the next release of NetBSD or the next
> snapshot of NetBSD/i386 due?
There is already a pretty decent snapshot of 1.2D on in
A 1.2E snapshot is being built on my machines as I type this -- I will
likely have it up by the weekend.