Subject: Re: When is the next release or snapshot due?
To: Giles Lean <>
From: Sean Witham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/05/1997 18:57:24
On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Giles Lean wrote:
> In the past we've always had one. Not quite as advanced a one as
> you'd like -- /etc files and kernel configuration are still (rightly)
> left to the human administrator.
Would be nice if the local config were presented to the administrator
to the configurator with an option to replace them with anything new
that might be available.
> I encourage you to submit the name of an OS in which non-trivial OS
> upgrades are this automated. I've not met one in the last 10 years,
> but maybe you have. If so we'll look it over for ideas. :-)
I wish I could say that I have. I hate having to upgrade an important
resource because of how long these things can take. Upgrading one
part of your system suxh as your MTA can be bad enough. So I'm a
little paranoid when it comes to upgrading the OS *8-)
Still installing NetBSD is not difficult but can take a while when you
have to reconfigure everything.