Subject: Re: Crash
To: None <>
From: maximum entropy <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/10/1997 17:31:03
>From: (Andrew Brown)
>more or less correct, yes. it should be (or so i have been convinced)
>more like:
>1) get src and bin (and coffee and cigarettes...)
>2) start now
>3) rebuild new toolchain under old kernel
>4) build new kernel now (with new tools)
>5) reboot with new kernel (noting that some stuff (netstat, top, ps) may
> not work yet)
>6) unpack bin ball
>7) maybe reboot again?
0) Make a backup!
7) upgrade /etc manually from /usr/src/etc and /usr/src/etc/etc.${ARCH}
8) reboot again
Strictly speaking, the final reboot isn't required. I usually reboot
after replacing all the binaries just to make sure the system will
come up with the latest init, getty, etc. Otherwise you may have
some mysteries to work out the *next* time you reboot the machine.
entropy -- it's not just a good idea, it's the second law.