Subject: Re: mounting non-BSD partitions.
To: Darren Reed <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/20/1997 12:02:14
Darren Reed writes:
> * - the increase to 16 logical partitions is only a recent addition(?)
> to NetBSD - and I don't know for sure - unless I'm confused with FreeBSD.
Actually, we only have 8 partitions in port-i386. A discussion among
some developers started in recent days when I proposed jacking that to
16 to deal with just the problem we are noting here. It was then noted
that what is really wanted is something like "slices" and you can take
the discussion from there.
The real problem we have is "not enough hands to do the work". If
someone who's a good kernel hacker is interested, it would be of
substantial benefit to get the slice stuff implemented.