Subject: Re: NetBSD and FreeBSD co-existing
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/22/1997 12:45:34
Jonathan Stone wrote:
> I think you saw some mis(dis?)-information. I've been using LILO as a
> bootselector to choose between Linux and BSD for nearly two years.
Fair enough!
> Of course, both of these could depend on the version of LILO.
I suppose so, then again, I have never tried LILO. While we're on the
subject, maybe someone could check my understanding of the
nomenclature. The MBR=Master Boot Record is a program which by default
reads the partition table, finds the partition marked as active, and
jumps to the boot blocks of that active partition. LILO (?) and os-bs
replace (?) that program with a menu or whatever so the user may
select which partition to boot from. The Boot Record is not a program,
but a record ;) and sits at the beginning of the partition. The first
NetBSD partition contains the disklabel =? boot record of that