Subject: Re: Return of Son of Beneath The Planet of Connectix Virtual PC 1.0
To: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
From: Michael Peters <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1997 00:22:25
Using LASTDRIVE = Z in your config.sys file should take care of the
drive problem. Why Mr. Gates didn't just default to x number of drives
instead of making ppl specify is beyond me. specifying 26 as opposed to 4
makes no appreciable performance difference.
-- Michael D. Peters
-- The /original/ Cyber Sailor
|Man invented alcohol,| Clothes make the man. Naked | Reality is that which |
|God invented grass. | people have little or no | when you stop believ- |
|Who do you trust? | impact on society. | ing in it, doesn't go |
|-unknown | -Mark Twain | away. |
| | | -Phillip K. Dick |
| I'll have seen everything when I see a Pregnant Barbie. -Me |
| Michael D. Peters | | |
^ZOverflow on /dev/null: Please empty the bit bucket.