Subject: Re: adding extra hard disk?
To: Wonko the Sane <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1997 14:00:33
At 04:21 PM 6/23/97 -0400, Wonko the Sane wrote:
>Rick Copeland drunkenly mumbled...
>> I currently have Netbsd 1.2c running on a 586 machine. The kernel has been
>> hacked to allow several different tape decks to run. I am happy with the
>> setup except I need more hard disk space. My current setup looks like the
>> following:
>> A / root
>> B swap
>> E /usr
>> Drive type is SCSI, disk is 270 megs. Is there a way to add more hard disks
>> without reinstalling or upsetting the current system?
>you should just be able to plug it in and it will work. the drive you are
>using now is sd0, the new drive will be sd1 simple as that, shouldn't mess
>with your tape drives at all. as long as your kernel is configured to handle
>more than one drive (sd* at scsibus? target ? lun ?) it should pick the
>new drive up automagically.
Are you saying that it is not required to alter or add to the fstab file?
What I would like to do is add the second and third hard disks as "/home1
and /home2" this would be on preferably partition "f" and "g" respectively.
Rick GC
Rick Copeland