Subject: Re: Return of Son of Beneath The Planet of Connectix Virtual PC 1.0
To: None <>
From: Greg Earle <earle@isolar.Tujunga.CA.US>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/1997 14:02:46
First off, thanks to the many people who pointed out that I needed to put
in my DOS CONFIG.SYS to get the Folder Sharing feature to work. (Yes I iz a
DOS ignoramus).
I am now able to share folders in DOS and was able to use this feature to
download the boot-12G.fs floppy image and use RAWRITE.EXE in the emulator
to write the image to a floppy (slooooooowwww, however).
Matthias Drochner writes:
>> pci0 at mainbus0 bus 0: configuration mode 2
> I guess this is probed wrong.
> Try to hard wire mode 1 (PCI_CONF_MODE=1).
Also being a PCI bus ignoramus ... :-) what exactly does this mean?
How many different "configuration modes" are there? The "PX" program has 3
methods of probing the emulated PCI bus, using the "PCI Configuration Method"
sub-menu that was available on the Main Menu:
| Select Configuration Access Method |
| >PCI BIOS Interface |
| >Hardware Default Access Mechanism |
| >Hardware Access Mechanism 1 |
| >Hardware Access Mechanism 2 |
If I choose *any* of the 1st 3 methods - PCI BIOS, Hardware Default Access,
or Hardware Access 1 - it works fine. And I get the aforementioned
| 5 PCI Devices +
| >[00:00:0] INTEL 122D Device |
| >[00:07:0] INTEL 122E Device |
| >[00:07:1] INTEL 1230 Device |
| >[00:08:0] S3 88B0 Device |
| >[00:09:0] DIGITAL 0014 Device|
| |
BUT - if I choose "Hardware Access Mechanism 2", I get "No PCI devices found"!
In retrospect, I'm also surprised that I didn't get any probe messages from
these 3 emulated Intel devices - the 122D is a Host Bridge, the 122E is an
ISA Bridge, and the 1230 the IDE controller - maybe this related?
In short, it sounds sorta like NetBSD's "configuration mode 2" is giving me
the same results as PX's "Hardware Access Mechanism 2" - i.e., nothing.
Given that this is the results of booting from the 1.2G snapshot SSTO boot
floppy, it sounds like I don't have any control over which "configuration mode"
gets used. Perry? Matthias? Anyone? Bueller?
- Greg
P.S. Apologies to any port-mac68k people who don't have PowerMacs and who
are no doubt thoroughly bored with this VPC discussion. I wish we had a
native PowerMac version of NetBSD (or even one that booted via the
existing Booter mechanism from MacOS), but given that we don't, this is
the next best thing if I can get it to work ...