Subject: Re: adding extra hard disk (cont.)
To: Rick Copeland <>
From: Patrick Welche <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/1997 16:38:01
Rick Copeland wrote:
> 1. Does the disktab file have to reflect the drive parameters of the
> currently installed drive?
Yes (?) though AFAICT it is only used when you disklabel and newfs it
in the first place. Once it's up and running, I don't think that entry
ever gets used again. (Useful to keep a copy though as it is
equivalent to the disklabel for the sad day the disk crashes)
> 2. If it is required to have such a listing for the second drive I
> am trying to install how would I write it?
> These are the parameters for my second drive I am trying to
> install:
> a) Maxtor SCSI type 7345, 2220 cyl, 4 heads, 76
> sectors.
> b)The disktab wants: tracks/cylinder and
> sectors/track where do I get this information?
>From the above you have 4 tracks/cylinder and 76 sectors/track.
> disklabel -w sd1 (name of drive)
> Is this correct?
Yes, where name of drive is the single word you called it as the first
part of its entry in the disktab.
The big question is, do you want to use the disk with DOS as well? In
which case the bios needs a lookin and it can't cope with 2220 > 1024
cylinders, or for that matter 76 > 32 sectors => the thing to do in that
case is to pretend that your drive is in fact
(2220 * 4 * 76)/(32 sectors/track * 64 tracks/cylinder)=329 cylinders,
and tell absolutely everything that you have 329 cylinders, 32
sectors/track, 64 tracks/cylinder = 673792 sectors (you really have
674880 sectors). I suppose you could come up with yet another
geometry. I found that was what my SCSI card came up with as a
Good luck,