Subject: Re: adding extra hard disk (cont.)
To: Patrick Welche <>
From: Rick Copeland <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/24/1997 08:50:53
At 04:38 PM 6/24/97 +0100, Patrick Welche wrote:
>Rick Copeland wrote:
>> 1. Does the disktab file have to reflect the drive parameters of the
>> currently installed drive?
>Yes (?) though AFAICT it is only used when you disklabel and newfs it
>in the first place. Once it's up and running, I don't think that entry
>ever gets used again. (Useful to keep a copy though as it is
>equivalent to the disklabel for the sad day the disk crashes)
>> 2. If it is required to have such a listing for the second drive I
>> am trying to install how would I write it?
>> These are the parameters for my second drive I am trying to
>> install:
>> a) Maxtor SCSI type 7345, 2220 cyl, 4 heads, 76
>> sectors.
>> b)The disktab wants: tracks/cylinder and
>> sectors/track where do I get this information?
>>From the above you have 4 tracks/cylinder and 76 sectors/track.
>> disklabel -w sd1 (name of drive)
>> Is this correct?
>Yes, where name of drive is the single word you called it as the first
>part of its entry in the disktab.
>The big question is, do you want to use the disk with DOS as well? In
>which case the bios needs a lookin and it can't cope with 2220 > 1024
>cylinders, or for that matter 76 > 32 sectors => the thing to do in that
>case is to pretend that your drive is in fact
>(2220 * 4 * 76)/(32 sectors/track * 64 tracks/cylinder)=329 cylinders,
>and tell absolutely everything that you have 329 cylinders, 32
>sectors/track, 64 tracks/cylinder = 673792 sectors (you really have
>674880 sectors). I suppose you could come up with yet another
>geometry. I found that was what my SCSI card came up with as a
>Good luck,
The question is do I need to write a disktab file?
Can I just give the disklabel a parameter name (winchester for example)?
Can you give me an example of the proceedure?
Rick GC
Rick Copeland