Subject: Cogent EM110TX Problems
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Claus Divossen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/10/1997 02:18:30
I have a problem using a Cogent EM110TX Fast Ethernet-Adapter with NetBSD
(In fact, this is an Adaptec ANA6911, which is the same, says Adaptec.)
The adapter is recognized as a DC21141 DEC Chip, which is the chip used on this
board. An interface de0 is initialized and can be configured with ifconfig.
My problem is: no data is transmitted via the device, but there is no
error-message indicating a problem.
The used interface-driver is if_de.c, with has an explicit support for the
Cogent EM100 Fast Ethernet adapter, which might be most compatible with my
Cogent EM110TX, but i could not force NetBSD to use this special driver.
Does anybody know this problem?