Subject: Re: NFS fragile?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/13/1997 17:29:38
> Your problems are that the wd8003 card simply *cannot* handle the 8k
> packet sizes (or if they can handle 8k packets, they can't in large
> volume). The solution is to mount all NFS mounts on the machine with
> the 8003 with both 1k read and 1k write block sizes.
Um, if this is Ethernet we're talking about, 8K packets simply don't
exist. More likely it either can't handle a back-to-back burst of
packets (such as are generated by fragmenting an 8K UDP packet into
Ethernet packets) or can't handle tiny packets (the last fragment of an
NFS packet is often quite tiny, sometimes small enough to need padding
to the Ethernet minimum packet size - and this breaks some cards; I
once had a DEQNA on a MicroVAX lose consistently because of this).
der Mouse
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