Subject: Re: apm hangs my system
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bernd Ernesti <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/26/1997 17:50:36
On Sat Jul 26 14:54:44 1997, der Mouse wrote:
> > For what it's worth, i'm considering changing the license, and have
> > been for a while at core's request.
> Considering? _Considering_?!? If I discovered _I'd_ committed
> something core found unacceptable, I would have rolled the commits back
> out as soon as I found out! It's been what, a month now, since the
> flurry of messages on current-users? And over a week since I said "I
> can only assume core finds this license acceptable" and Jason
> explicitly replied that this was an incorrect assumption?
1. Core accepted the first license.
2. You don't know what happened after the first flame war happend
so don't speculate without knowing all facts.
> As for trying to start a flame I was trying to stir up
I disagree, your mail was the first stage of a flame war.
P.S: This is my first and my last mail about this topic.