Subject: Re: setting up my ed2
To: Andrew Y Ng <>
From: Jeff Northon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/02/1997 21:11:30
First make sure that nothing is using irq 10. Also check for
SCSI and sound cards and lpt ports are not conflicting in the
address range. (Yank EVERYTHING out of the computer you can.)
Second configure the card to use address 0x300 and irq 10.
Third toss the Ethernet out on the driveway and stomp on it if
it doesn't cooperate! Is it one of those plug and play or does it
have jumpers, or a software configure disk? Make sure, if it is
software configurable, to save the settings.
On Tue, 2 Sep 1997, Andrew Y Ng wrote:
> >>>>> "Perry" == Perry E Metzger <> writes:
> Perry> John T Gasper writes:
> >> Hello, I'm a newbie to netbsd and I'm having troubles figuring
> >> out how to 'ifconfig' my ed2.
> Perry> First, in any report, it is important to state:
> Perry> 1) Version of NetBSD you are running 2) specific error
> Perry> messages you get.
> I tried to help John to figure get his ethernet going...
> Gasper's using 1.2.1. well, since he hasn't been able to get his
> ethernet card to work, all he has in his netbsd partition is the stuff
> which came with the two installation disks. :)
> Perry> In general, I would check to make sure that your kernel
> Perry> config matches your card's configuration...
> he only got the generic kernel came with the floppy, i looked at his
> boot messages and it saids ed2 is recognized...
> I tried to ifconfig ed2 with 'ifconfig ed2', and I got
> the same results--"ed2 times out" whenever I tried to use the card.
> kindda weird... does anybody in here happens to be using the same
> driver?
> /ayn
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