Subject: X problems
To: Port-i386 <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/14/1997 22:25:47
Dear All,

Like you can probably recall, I was having problems with Applixware and
XFree86 (Applix was running very slow).  I then disabled the
UseInternalMalloc option of XFree and things started functioning much

However, now the X server eats lots of memory and finally dies (because
of the process data size limits).  At the moment, the server has allocated
35 MB, after running for 11 days.  I'll have to shut it down soon or I will
no longer be able to start new applications.

How do other people configure XFree?  Or is everyone just rebooting often
enough not to run into this kind of problems?  It's annoying to have to
shut down X and all the applications just to reclaim the allocated memory.

Any solutions?  Should I (finally) build XFree with profiling and try to
see why its internal malloc uses so much CPU time?

By the way, I have the same "process size growing endlessly" problem with
GIMP.  Is there something wrong with our malloc() or WHY is this happening?
GIMP hits the process data size limit quite soon, no matter how high I set



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