Subject: Re: X problems
To: David Brownlee <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/15/1997 08:25:33
On Sun, Sep 14, 1997 at 01:20:43PM -0700, David Brownlee wrote:
> I had a similar memory problem with Netscape on NetBSD/sparc -
> running 'limit datasize XX' before xdm in rc.local was a passable
> workaround IIRC.
I have raised the limit to 48 MB for the X server.. but I still seem to
hit it every two weeks or so. :-I
> > By the way, I have the same "process size growing endlessly" problem with
> > GIMP. Is there something wrong with our malloc() or WHY is this happening?
> > GIMP hits the process data size limit quite soon, no matter how high I set
> > it.
> >
> Have you tried linking with -lgnumalloc ?
Nope, not yet (unless that's what GIMP normally does). But what makes the
NetBSD malloc function like this? Why do we have such a malloc at all if
it slowly eats up all memory..? (Not a flame bait, just a clueless person
asking :)
I wonder if XFree uses gnumalloc by default when the internal malloc has been