Subject: Re: Compiling for PC
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/06/1997 18:24:07
[tech-install trimmed]
In article <> you write:
> I got the code for netbsd from:
> So I have the code in the subfolders and I have the makefile. Using a
> unix system I guess I would just do a make all; but can someone tell me
> how to compile it for my PC?
Unless you're a real glutton for punishment, install the binaries. From
then on you can build it under itself if you feel like. If you install
1.2.1, doing a source upgrade to -current shouldn't be too bad, and
there should be prewritten instructions floating around on how to do
that. Or, you could even wait a little bit for 1.3 and then start on
-current after that.
> Right now, I'm trying to port it into Visual C++ 5.0 (just because I'm
> used to it) if anyone has done this successfully; please let me know;
> I'm having a hell of a time doing it.
Native compiling is by far the easiest route. Cross-compiling from
another unixoid system is a bit of a job. Trying to cross compile from
an MS platform is the most uh... optimistic... plan I've read in quite
some time :-)