Subject: Re: PCI on Compaq deskpro 4000 ?
To: Manuel BOUYER <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/16/1997 17:51:30
We could always make using the BIOS an option....
Manuel BOUYER writes:
> On Oct 16, Jason Thorpe wrote
> > I suspect that using the PCI BIOS will actually be more reliable. I.e.
> > I'm fairly certain that M$ operating systems use this method, and I must
> > say that I've never seen NT get the PCI configuration mode wrong.
> Did you try it on 486 or old pentium hardware ?
> >
> > I'm fairly certain Linux uses the PCI BIOS to determine the configuration
> > mode, as well.
> It does, and I recall having seen that it need a hack for compaq machines,
> because these map the PCI bios at an unusal memory address (I think it's a
> program running under MS-DOS wich will remap the bios before booting linux).
> --
> Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.
> --