Subject: make in /usr/src/distrib/i386/floppies fails
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Simon J. Gerraty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/07/1997 14:37:36
I've not built a boot floppy before so I've probably missed something.
Yet I get.
# cd /usr/src/distrib/i386/floppies
# make
===> ramdisk
dd if=/dev/zero of=ramdisk-13_ALPHA.fs count=2880
2880+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes transferred in 1 secs (1474560 bytes/sec)
vnconfig -t floppy3 -v -c /dev/vnd0d ramdisk-13_ALPHA.fs
/dev/vnd0d: 1474560 bytes on ramdisk-13_ALPHA.fs using geometry 512/18/2/80
disklabel -rw /dev/vnd0d floppy3
Nov 7 14:32:32 bilbo /netbsd: vnd0: no disk label
Nov 7 14:32:32 bilbo /netbsd: vnd0: no disk label
newfs -m 0 -o space -i 5120 -c 80 /dev/rvnd0a floppy3
newfs: /dev/rvnd0a: open: Device not configured
*** Error code 1
I just configured and booted a kernel to be sure that vnd's are
configured yet the result is the same. If I try and run it again I
# make
===> ramdisk
dd if=/dev/zero of=ramdisk-13_ALPHA.fs count=2880
2880+0 records in
2880+0 records out
1474560 bytes transferred in 1 secs (1474560 bytes/sec)
vnconfig -t floppy3 -v -c /dev/vnd0d ramdisk-13_ALPHA.fs
vnconfig: Nov 7 14:38:54 bilbo /netbsd: vnd0: no disk label
/dev/vnd0d: VNDIOCSET: Nov 7 14:38:54 bilbo /netbsd: vnd0: no disk label
Device busy
*** Error code 1
which FM should I RT ? :-)