Subject: FYI: FreeBSD Pentium Bug fix (proposed)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Matt Thomas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/15/1997 11:03:03
>Date: Fri, 14 Nov 1997 17:12:15 -0600
>From: Jonathan Lemon <>
>To: hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
>Subject: FreeBSD Pentium Bug fix (proposed)
>X-Mailer: Mutt 0.61.1
>Sender: owner-freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
>Alright, I've been watching the debate about the LOCK CMPXCHG8 bug,
>and decided to take a crack at it. While I believe that for the most
>case, this is probably just a tempest in a teapot, for some, it probably
>represents a serious DOS that should be addressed.
>IMHO, the "take page fault on any trapno < 7" solution is a very ugly
>hack, but it got me thinking about a better way to solve this. The
>solution seems to depend on the fact that a page fault has a higher
>priority than an illegal instruction fault, and thus, if both are posted
>first, then the page fault takes precedence.
>This made me think that there might be other faults that also have higher
>precedence than the illegal instruction fault, and which could be localized
>to just the #UD handler. It turns out that exceeding the segment limit
>is one of them.
>My ``fix'' is to have the IDT descriptor reference a segemnt which has
>a length of 0. This has the effect of mapping SIGILL into SIGBUS, so that
>the `cmpxchg8' crash now generates a Bus error. (I didn't bother returning
>the correct signal; it can probably be added if it is important)
>This fix works on my machine, takes no overhead, and the only breaks
>BDE_DEBUGGER, which wants to hoard all the GDT entries for itself. :-)
>I'd appreciate it if interested parties could try this out and see if
>it also fixes the problem on other machines.
>--------------------------------- cut here ---------------------------------
>Index: machdep.c
>RCS file: /tuna/ncvs/src/sys/i386/i386/machdep.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.270
>diff -c -r1.270 machdep.c
>*** 981,986 ****
>--- 993,1009 ----
> 0, 0,
> 1, /* default 32 vs 16 bit size */
> 1 /* limit granularity (byte/page units)*/ },
>+ #ifdef CMPXCHG8_BUG
>+ /* GBUG_SEL 11 Invalid Descriptor for CMPXCHG8_BUG */
>+ { 0x0, /* segment base address */
>+ 0x0, /* length - none */
>+ SDT_MEMERA, /* segment type */
>+ 0, /* segment descriptor priority level */
>+ 1, /* segment descriptor present */
>+ 0, 0,
>+ 1, /* default 32 vs 16 bit size */
>+ 1 /* limit granularity (byte/page units)*/ },
>+ #endif
> };
> static struct soft_segment_descriptor ldt_segs[] = {
>*** 1209,1216 ****
>--- 1232,1244 ----
> #endif
> finishidentcpu(); /* Final stage of CPU initialization */
>+ #ifdef CMPXCHG8_BUG
>+ setidt(6, &IDTVEC(ill), SDT_SYS386TGT, SEL_KPL, GSEL(GBUG_SEL, SEL_KPL));
>+ #else
>+ #endif
> initializecpu(); /* Initialize CPU registers */
> /* Use BIOS values stored in RTC CMOS RAM, since probing
> * breaks certain 386 AT relics.
>Index: include/segments.h
>RCS file: /tuna/ncvs/src/sys/i386/include/segments.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.17
>diff -c -r1.17 segments.h
>*** segments.h 1997/08/21 06:32:49 1.17
>--- segments.h 1997/11/14 22:34:58
>*** 215,225 ****
>--- 215,232 ----
> #define GAPMCODE32_SEL 8 /* APM BIOS 32-bit interface (32bit Code) */
> #define GAPMCODE16_SEL 9 /* APM BIOS 32-bit interface (16bit Code) */
> #define GAPMDATA_SEL 10 /* APM BIOS 32-bit interface (Data) */
>+ #ifdef CMPXCHG8_BUG
>+ #define GBUG_SEL 11 /* Invalid Descriptor for CMPXCHG8_BUG */
>+ #endif
> #define NGDT 18 /* some of 11-17 are reserved for debugger */
> #else
>+ #ifdef CMPXCHG8_BUG
>+ #define NGDT (GBUG_SEL + 1)
>+ #else
> #define NGDT (GAPMDATA_SEL + 1)
>+ #endif
> #endif
> /*
Matt Thomas Internet:
3am Software Foundry WWW URL:
Nashua, NH Disclaimer: I disavow all knowledge of this message