Subject: Re: 1.3Beta
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: John F. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/03/1997 00:00:04
> >> 1. The program name should be something more understandable
> >> than sysinst -- howabout install or menu_install and maybe
> >> the existing install can be install.old
> >
> >Install might be a better name.
> One benefit of naming it sysinst is that there is less chance of
> confusing it with /usr/bin/install.
Does sysinst get copied to an MS-DOS filesystem for use?
If not, there is little reason why it needs to have 8 or fewer characters
in its name, and I'd suggest install_system (perhaps with a second link of
install-system). (If it *does* get copied to an MS-DOS filesystem, then
SETUP.EXE is a much more traditional name for such a thing, even if it doesn't
act like *shudder* InstallShield.)