Subject: Re: sysinst report [was: 1.3Beta]
To: None <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/1997 16:26:40
> >4. As someone remarked, if ftp fails the messages blast by so fast
> > that you can not tell what happened.
> This has been a *long-standing* problem. I'm not sure how to bash on
> curses to get around it. Perhaps Phil can look at it this weekend.
I thought I sent in a PR and that the fix got committed, at least
for one of these ftp problems (it's by no means any guarantee
that the one I sent in a fix for was the only instance of this
problem). The fix just involved putting up an error message and
wait for the user in getchar().
> >b. Well, it's time to bail and do a simple "install"
> > installation. But before I do that, I did one last
> > "disklabel wd0". The root is 277Meg, swap is 258Meg and
> > /usr is the rest 561meg. Why is root so big? Further, I
> > have 128Meg of primary memory not to swap. I don't want to
> > waste 258meg of disk.
> I don't know, I'm told it was copied verbatim from the install
> sh scripts.
I think this is because there is no provision for having a
separate /var file system in the default setup, and apparently
sysinst wants /var+root to be 20MB + twice real memory plus some
additional goop, so that there's room for a couple system crash
dumps in the file system.
First off, I'd really like to have a "default option" to have a
separate /var file system, second, not all folks have the
inclination to allocate sufficient free disk space for even a
single crash dump (yeah, I know, disk is cheap...). The point is
however that this should be a matter of local policy, so perhaps
the user should be asked whether he desires a separate /var and
whether he intends to allocate sufficient disk for crash dumps.
- H=E5vard