Subject: Re: sysinst question: how to mention the sh variable rc_configured?
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Chief Anarchic Officer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/06/1997 23:03:35
Jonathan Stone sez:
* hi all,
[problems with RC_CONFIGURED]
* The relevant string is in src/distrib/utils/sysinst/msg.mi.eng.
* Which do we collectively think is best, of
* set rc_configured ...
* set the variable rc_configured ..
* set `rc_configured' ...
* or other options, if there's a better one. And should it be
I'd say:
"Set the variable `rc_configured' to `true' via the line
This would leave no doubt as to its status.
Of course, we could always include a commented line:
and give instructions to decomment that line. Or is that what we're
doing now?
Just because memory, disk and cpu speed are cheap is no excuse for
shoddy programming.