Subject: Re: IPv6 compat?
To: Melissa Niles <>
From: Kevin M. Lahey <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/17/1997 18:58:06
In message <>,
Melissa Niles writes:
>Is NetBSD 1.3 going to be IPv6 compatable?
>Is there any place where I can read about IPv6 with NetBSD?
Sure. The NRL, Inria, and UNH IPv6 implementations are available
as a set of patches to NetBSD 1.2 and 1.2.1. I suspect that there
will be an Inria release incorporating 1.3 fairly soon after it
is released. I'm not sure about NRL or UNH.
I've had a fair amount of success with both NRL and Inria, although
I really only use Inria at this point. For more information check
out the IPv6 web page at:
Good luck, and feel free to write with any more questions,