Subject: Re: 1.3_BETA and NCR SCSI
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ernst du Toit <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/03/1998 07:24:13
Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> Do me a favor:
> Could you try MD5'ing a large file repeatedly and seeing if you get
> inconsistant results? If so, could you try reverting to a previous
> version of the driver (say, the one in 1.2) and letting us know what
> happens?
> Perry
Tried to roll back to 1.2.1 and got the same results - this made me
think about what I broke since I was running 1.2.1 and realized that I
upgraded my video from a S3-864 to an ET6000 - never got to try it since
the disk died.
I popped the S3 back and 1.3-BETA installed fine, I popped the ET6000
back and the box locks (no error messages...) while starting inetd...
Frank van der Linder mailed to mention a problem that might be the
one... since my AT/LANTIC lan card in shared memory mode has also gone
belly-up. In ne2000 mode it works fine - so iomemory is a problem.
As soon as I've got the kernel source unpacked I'll try the patch.
Thanks for all the help! - its late and HOT (floating in the 90s here)
so my brain is fuzzy :-)