Subject: mb_map full
To: 'port-i386@NetBSD.ORG' <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/1998 03:15:44
I'm running 1.3 Release but had the same problem on 1.2G. Hardware is
Pentium PRO with 128 MB physical RAM.
I've been seeing this message on the console and in /var/log/messages:
Jan 5 20:05:35 atlas /netbsd: mb_map full
It appears about once every minute.
I traced the message to /usr/src/sys/kern/uipc_mbuf.c and after RTFS I'd
say once every minute would seem to be accurate. ;-)
I traced the initialization of mb_map to
/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/i386/machdep.c but could use some help before I
get in over my head here...
Gunnar Helliesen | Bergen IT Consult AS | NetBSD/VAX on a uVAX II
Systems Consultant | Bergen, Norway | '86 Jaguar Sovereign 4.2 | | '73 Mercedes 280 (240D)