Subject: Re: clock interrupt rate seems to be slow after resuming from hybernation on one of my laptops
To: enami tsugutomo <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/10/1998 13:34:18
Well, this doesn't seem like the *wrong* solution, but I must admit I
don't like the name you gave "initrtclock" since it doesn't really
init the rt clock...
enami tsugutomo writes:
> I recently got a new laptop and i've installed NetBSD on it. Almost
> works fine except that clock interrupt rate seems to be slow on it
> after resuming from hybernation (on the other hand, it is ok if from
> suspend or stanby mode).
> Normally clockintr() should be called 100 times per second (and
> actually called as so), but after resuming from hybernation, only
> about 18 calls per second.
> It seems reseting timer0 after resuming as follows works for me, but
> is this right solution?