Subject: Network services setup (cont.)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/11/1998 15:14:13
How do I go about plugging in the physical machine address,
device name, and other info to get BIOCSETIF to work. Here's what I know:
/dev/ne2 ethernet address 0x6000 irq 0x0b
address as reported in msgbuf: 00:40:95:00:11:63
ip address in 'hosts' file:
address of VS3100 as reported by SHOW ETHERS: 08:00:2b:25:2f:d8
IP address assigned to VS3100 in 'hosts' file:
I am uncertain as to what other information I need to know in doing a
makedev for /dev/bpf0 and establishing values for BIOCSETIF.
Paul Apprich - I will get this VAX running. I will escape the Gates of Hell!