Subject: Re: I want to be unstrung! (I'm a few steps behind you)
To: Jacob Suter <>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/11/1998 21:20:30
On Sun, 11 Jan 1998, Jacob Suter wrote:
> Well, I am gonna try to attempt to set up a vax to boot all on its own.
> Up until now I have been using NFS nearly exclusivly for all my data on
> my VS3100m30's. I've got one I want to try to make 'stand alone'.
> Heres what I think I know so far (please slap me if I am wrong).
> #1 - a VS3100m30 with its broken PIO SCSI support will self boot
> #2 - it will be somewhat like the FAQ says
> #3 - I can use the same 'PIO Broken' kernel I have been using up until
> now netbooting.
> #4 - I wish I had a VS3100m76 (repeat several times per hour)
I have one, Jacob. I am attempting to jumpstart it from a 486dx4100 32Mb
RAM box. At the risk of repeating, I am new to this and will learn at any
cost . I don't think I had entered the right data for the netmask on
ifconfig, but it did stop that 'BIOCSETIF: device not configured'
response. Here are some of the details:
# ifconfig ne2 inet up netmask
# rarpd -d ne2 &
# mount -d & (still getting the 'can't make default for /share' error)
# nfsd -tun 4 & (still getting the 'ca't bind upd address' error)
# mopd -d ne2 & (got the expected info on screen)
After entering 'b/100 esa0' and 'mopboot' respectively, I got the
following from the graphic console of the Vax:
Nboot: /netbsd
{some other crap that I will clarify on the next attempt after I am done
with this mailing}
le0: transmit timeout stat 0x13
le0: output buffer busy (repeats infinitely)
TiA before I have a the other T.I.A. (transient ischemic attack)
Paul Apprich