Subject: Netbooting Vax from 486 box
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Apprich <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/11/1998 21:53:41
At the risk of repeating a previous posting, this is what I typed
in from the 486 box:
# ifconfig ne2 inet up netmask
# rarpd -d ne2 &
# mountd -d &
# nfsd -tun 4 &
# mopd -d ne2 &
after entering the usual 'b/100 esa0' and 'mopboot' when prompted, this
is what I got from the Vax:
le-soft.sc_r2 = 0x283a0000
device: le0 attached to 08:00:2b:25:2f:d8
le0: transmit timeout, stat = 0x13
le0: output buffer busy (repeats ad nauseam)
it seems that the lance ethernet adapter appears on top of memory >32MB.
What's happening here?
TiA - Getting so close....!
Paul Apprich