Subject: Re: Linux JDK 1.1.3 on NetBSD/i386
To: Christos Zoulas <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/13/1998 10:37:02
At 01:09 13.01.98 GMT, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>In article <>
gelbard@ENGR.ORST.EDU writes:
>>On 12-Jan-98 Christoph Badura wrote:
>>>> Transport endpoint is already connected
>>>> I've tried the exact same classes on a UltraSparc 2 solaris box
>>>> and it worked fine. I tried again on a win95 machine and it worked
>>>> fine. I tried on a Linux box running the exact same JDK I'm
>>>> on my NetBSD box and it worked fine. But on my NetBSD box, it
>>> Well, that's not easy to say. We need more details. Could you run
>>> ktrace/kdump on that Programm and send us the *relevant* results.
>>Well, the trace is 600k :) I've never dont this before, but heres what
>>I think the problem is:
>>2528 java CALL socketcall(0xe,0xefbfd3b8)
>>2528 java RET socketcall 0
>>2528 java CALL socketcall(0x3,0xefbfd2f4)
>>2528 java RET socketcall -1 errno -115 Unknown error: 4294967181
>>Where can I find the error listing for errno -115 and the
>>'uknown error'?
>This is EINPROGRESS resulting from a connect to a non blocking fd.
Guys, we've been there before. Look in the port-i386 archive for a thread
with the subject "JDK1.1.1 (L*NUX port), was Re: applix" around the end of
June 97.
The patch (against 1.2E sources) I got then which worked for me was
Date: Fri, 4 Jul 97 15:02:07 EDT
*** linux_socket.c.orig Thu Jul 3 20:02:19 1997
--- linux_socket.c Thu Jul 3 20:10:35 1997
*** 197,203 ****
SCARG(&bca, name) = (void *);
SCARG(&bca, namelen) = lca.namelen;
! return sys_connect(p, &bca, retval);
--- 197,206 ----
SCARG(&bca, name) = (void *);
SCARG(&bca, namelen) = lca.namelen;
! if ((error = sys_connect(p, &bca, retval)) == EISCONN)
! return 0; /* XXX--silently suppress EISCONN for java */
! else
! return error;
And quoting Todd Vierling...
>Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 13:42:15 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Todd Vierling <>
>X-Sender: tv@shell
>To: "Nathaniel D. Daw" <>
>cc: Hauke Fath <>, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG
>Subject: Re: JDK1.1.1 (L*NUX port), was Re: applix
>On Fri, 27 Jun 1997, Nathaniel D. Daw wrote:
>: It had something to do with attempting a nonblocking connect(), which
>: either works differently under Linux or is improperly implemented in the
>: JDK. From a ktrace, I think I found the JDK connect()s to the socket,
>: select()s for completion, and then, when the select returns that the
>: connection is complete, calls connect() a second time, getting the EISCONN
>Funny; Pine relies on this behavior of a nonblocking connect (the EISCONN
>return of the second call to connect()) to verify that a socket is connected
>on most OSes. It's therefore very likely that the nb connect() procedure is
>indeed different in Linux. If this can be verified, I suggest the fix below
>be committed to the tree for completeness's sake.
>: It's ugly, but you can patch the linux connect() wrapper code to silently
>: return, supressing the EISCONN, and it works fine. With no access to the
>: jdk source, nor to a real linux system, I was never able to confirm
>: exactly what was wrong.
-- Apparently the "fix" hasn't made it into the tree. Sigh. Should I send-pr?
Hauke Fath Melog Software GmbH
D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Melog.DE Ruf +49-6221-1333-0, Fax -33