Subject: Re: Linux/FreeBSD emulution of /dev/dsp broken?
To: Alicia da Conceicao <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/1998 09:22:36
> HiNote laptop, which has ES1688 audio chip (16 bit with Soundblaster
> emulation). I have no problems reading and recording AU files to and from
> /dev/audio. In addition, I have put a simlink from /dev/audio to /dev/dsp.
> However when I run Linux or FreeBSD programs, such as RealAudio or Doom, that
> use /dev/dsp, all I get is this horrible random like noise coming out of my
> speaker.
The SoundBlaster emulation in the ES16XX and ES18XX series only
supports the 8-bit interface of the SoundBlaster. To output 16-bit
audio on these devices, we need a separate driver (which hasn't been
written yet, although it should be fairly simple).
The reason DOOM and RealAudio sound so horrible is that they're
sending 16-bit data to the sound card while it's in 8-bit mode. (This
is actually a bug in the programs. They should notice that the
attempt to switch to 16-bit encoding failed.)
For RealAudio, at least, you can kluge around this by checking the
`Disable 16-bit sound' box in View->Preferences...->Advanced.