Subject: Re: identifycpu() on a Cyrix 6x86
To: Kevin Cousins <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/02/1998 09:18:21
On Feb 2, Kevin Cousins wrote
> So!  Which is it?  Is the 6x86 a 486-class or a 586-class CPU?
> I guess that this is only really a cosmetic issue---the change of a
> '4' to a '5' in a boot message, but as a consequence I am confused as
> to whether or not to put "options I586_CPU" in my kernel config file.

The cyrix 6x86 is a 486-class CPU, in the sence that it doens't implement 
pentium-specific instructions.

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.