Subject: Re: Slow X with Applix - how to profile?
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Ken Hornstein <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/11/1998 01:16:08
>>Why does the internal malloc of XFree make the list grow to 157 entries in
>>one day when the other allocation method behaves a lot better?
>the xfree internal malloc uses mmap/mumap i believe. this allows
>the X server to free memory back to the system when it is no longer
>in use.
>>And why do things become so slow when the list length grows to 150+ entries?
>i don't have a clear understanding of the slowdown, so it is hard to say.
>you could try a uvm kernel and see if that makes any difference.
IIRC, the "slowdown" comes from the mmap()/munmap() taking longer and
longer ... which fits in with Chuck's hypothesis. It looks like in
this case, the slowdown comes from the mmap/munmap calls taking longer
and longer to traverse these data structures.