Subject: Re: CD Writer support on netbsd-i386?
To: Joerg Schilling <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/18/1998 14:08:22
	My change was trivial to your code.  It should work with what ever
projects you envision.

On Feb 18,  9:13pm, Joerg Schilling wrote:
} Subject: Re: CD Writer support on netbsd-i386?
} >        I use cdrecord-1.6 under NetBSD/i386.  It works great!  If you ignore
} >the author's grousing about the BSD subsystem, and make a slight
} >modification to his bsd_scsi.c, you're in business.  I can send you a diff
} >of that file for NetBSD/i386 if you like.
} >-Brian 
} If you have a good solution, send it to me.
} But remember that the SCSI transport interface if _not_ a cdrecord
} special. It is used for "sformat" too and will in future be used for
} other projects. If you make changes that only allow the interface to 
} be used with CD-ROM drives, it is not a good idea.
} Joerg
>-- End of excerpt from Joerg Schilling