Subject: Re: /dev/spkr is cool! (was: new console driver code)
To: None <>
From: Ty Sarna <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/25/1998 18:06:50
In article <> you write:
> So there's a lot of "useful" things the spkr is good for. :)
> Anybody else doing anything interesting with it?
I wish I'd though of these ideas before! My ISDN router box now makes
appropriate noises for "BUSY", "NO CARRIER" (the "do-dee-da, we're
sorry, your call can't be completed as dialed..." sound), and so on.
On the sillier side, "C<A" is perfect if you want to pretend you just
walked into a Radio Shack. You'll swear somebody is about to ask for
your phone number before they'll complete a $.50 cash transaction :-)
And if you're into bad puns, you can use "FPFPFPFPFPFPFP[...]" from your
"back-up" script...