Subject: Re: CPU for NetBSD
To: Steve Paul <>
From: Tom T. Thai <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/27/1998 13:55:43
I think your co-worker is smoking Windows. the PII-266 is much faster
than the P233. And a good board for the PII is the ASUS P2L97-DS with on
board UW-SCSI, and it's dual. For now you can run one CPU but (very soon,
right NetBSD guys?) you can do dual. So, tell your co-worker there, yes
the PII-266 is much slower, and tell him I have a bunch of P233 that are
much faster and I'll trade with him!
On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Steve Paul wrote:
> Hello Group:
> I have a fairly easy question concerning performance.
> I am currently running NetBSD "current" on a P233 system.
> In an attempt to increase performance, I'm planning on
> upgrading this machine to a PII-266.
> A particular 'guru' at my place of work has stated that
> a PII system running NetBSD will run *slower* (if it
> runs at all) than the existing P233. Is there any
> truth to this? Has anyone out there tried NetBSD
> on PII system and does it work for you?
> Any insights will be GREATLY appreciated.
> TIA,
> Steve Paul
> McCue Systems, Inc.
.............. ....................................
Thomas T. Thai Infomedia Interactive Communications TEL 612.376.9090 * FAX 612.376.9087