Subject: Re: pms0 vs. psm0
To: None <>
From: Scott Telford <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/30/1998 09:40:07
> When I originally installed NetBSD on my system a couple of months
> back, I was more than a bit taken aback to discover that the PS/2 mouse
> device on NetBSD is pms0 rather than psm0 (which is what I am accustomed to).
> It's not a big deal, but I am curious about why it is named pms0. Honestly,
> it seems a little odd to have a PMS device. ;) Thanks.
"psm" is the FreeBSD PS/2 mouse driver, which is a different beast to
the NetBSD PS/2 mouse driver.
I guess "pms" stands for "Ps/2 MouSe" rather than "PS/2 Mouse"...
Scott Telford "If 386BSD had been available when
Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre I started on Linux, Linux would
University of Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ, UK. probably never had happened." +44 131 650 5978 - Linus Torvalds