Subject: Re: pppd not working from floppy
To: None <>
From: Joel Reicher <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/13/1998 00:13:47
> I am a newbie using Netbsd 1.3.1 and I want to run 'pppd' by booting
> from
> floppy.
> I have made a boot floppy with 'pppd' and 'chat'. I also created a
> 'options' file under '/etc/ppp' in the floppy.I have the modem
> connected
> to tty01.
> While booting through the floppy it goes directly to shell prompt -
> it
> does not show the login prompt.
> When I boot using floppy and start pppd it return to prompt
> without any message. 'pppd' is working fine when I boot through the
> hard disk.
> My questions are
> 1.How can I get the login prompt while booting from floppy.
Why do you need the login prompt? The floppy is probably just booting single
user which means you're root when you get the shell.
> 2.How can I make 'pppd' work from floppy
It probably is working. The default behaviour for pppd is to detach from the
tty and run in the background. Are you supplying any parameters to pppd?
What's in your options file? If you give more details you'll get more
detailed help...
> 3.Does com1 requires any configuration before starting 'pppd'
Don't quote me on this, but as long as your kernel found com1 on boot up
you probably have everything you need.
- Joel
P.S. Could you fix up your mail config? It's got your address as 'sharda'
instead of 'sharada'.