Subject: Re: Booting sd0 (disk geometry versus bios geometry)
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Heiko W.Rupp <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/10/1998 09:26:47
Christoph Badura wrote:
| (Matthias Scheler) writes:
|true.  I have a couple of Adaptec based systems that were not installled
|with the BIOS geometry and which boot just fine.

Which in fact means that the current 1.3 geometry system is crap.
In the old 1.0 days I installed a system with a 1GB disk without exactly
knowing what I am doing and it booted fine from that SCSI disk.
Now with 1.3* I am struggling real hard with the system to get it booting
from a 100MB disk that happens to have 1200 cylinders *sigh*
While this compatibility thing with other OS etc. is nice if you 
want to use more than one OS on disk, it is crap when using the entire
disk for NetBSD.

And - for user that are even less experienced than me - this is a reason
to abort the NetBSD install and try another *BSD or Linux.

          See <a href="">NetBSD</a> for a multiplatform OS
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