Subject: Re: partition sizes?
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/17/1998 19:32:55
>The system knows nothing about MBR partitions. It just knows that
>there are these "partition" things listed in the BSD disk label that
>list sector ranges corresponding to partition a, b, c, etc. c is
>traditionally the full MBR partition and d the full disk -- don't
>touch those -- but you could easily point, say, h, at any range on the
>disk you want, including another full MBR partition.
Small pedant point:
sys/arch/i386/i386/disksubr.c knows about MBRs, cuz it uses MBRs and
dos partition IDs in order to decide where to find the BSD disklabel
and read it. Otherwise, yup.