Subject: New distrib of the bouyer-ide branch
To: None <,>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/20/1998 23:28:15
I've uploaded a new set of patche for IDE DMA. The -current version
is in, the 1.3.2 one
(1.3.2 users: you just need to extract the tar file and recompile,
nothing changed in the patch file).
What's new:
- hopefully full support of the CMD PCI0640 (what an awfull chip ! :)
- core dumps should work reliably again
- support of user-specified timeout in ATAPI commands
- A more reliable probe routine (close to the old one). I've tested it
with an old MFM drive (I think it's MFM: it's a drive which needs
2 cables with the controller, one shared by master/slave, and one
specific to the master or slave).
- more verbose error messages when an IDE transfer fails
- correted a bug where a DMA error would cause a list corruption, and likely
a panic later,
- fixed the problem which caused some ATAPI commands to fail on DMA-capable
cdrom drives.
Enjoy !
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.