Subject: Re: NetBSD: NCR drive offline problems.
To: None <>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/29/1998 22:21:07
>>>>> "Oliver" == Oliver Fross <> writes:
Oliver> Hi Michael-
Oliver> I have a question for you: I was searching through the
Oliver> current-users mailing list, and I found that you were having the same
Oliver> problem that I am currently having. Did you ever find a solution?
Oliver> (No matter how many drives I put on the NCR chain, it will only
Oliver> recognize the first 4. After that, they're all offline. NT/95 can see the
Oliver> drives <ack!>.)
For the record, my solution was to get an Adaptec 2940UW controller. So
far I'm much happier.
I didn't try with *just* four drives.
I also haven't been able to run with four drives on the 2940UW. However,
it has been suggested to me that the passive termination used by the
drives on the wide chain may be insufficient. I have ordered terminated
cables from Adaptec, and I hope to try it.
Part of the reason is that my fourth drive is SCA, and I don't know
how to terminate it with the SCA/wide adaptor I've got. So, I haven't
been able to properly test having just the SCA drive on my NCR controller
:!mcr!: | Network and security consulting/contract programming
Michael Richardson | Firewalls, TCP/IP and Unix administration
ON HUMILITY: To err is human, to moo bovine.