Subject: Re: db> call cpu_reboot(RB_DUMP) doesn't work
To: John Kohl <>
From: Stefan Grefen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/1998 21:13:40
In message <>  John Kohl wrote:
> >>>>> "Paul" == Paul Goyette <> writes:
> Paul> IIRC, cpu_reboot() will only reboot if the system has been fully
> Paul> initialized.  Otherwise, it just halts.  
> Nice to know, but not the problem here--the system comes up fully, I log
> in, start some compiles, and eventually something locks the filesystem,
> locks propagate to the root directory, then everything comes to a quiet
> halt.
> At this stage I want to force a crashdump.  I don't think I can get
> /sbin/reboot -d to work (file system is hung up)....

Try a boot 0x104 . If your filesystem is dead syncing may cause the

BTW dbb has a reboot command.
(reboot [flags])


> -- 
> ==John Kohl <>, <>
> Write a poem, share your heart!
> Home page: <URL:>
> Note new home zip code as of July 1, 1998: 02476

Stefan Grefen                                Tandem Computers Europe Inc.                       High Performance Research Center
 --- Hacking's just another word for nothing left to kludge. ---