Subject: Re: -currrent and Linux Office Suite 99
To: None <>
From: Dave Sainty <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/21/1998 22:49:14
Jukka Marin writes:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 1998 at 02:49:29PM +0300, Jukka Marin wrote:
> > Applix is very stable and reasonably priced, IMHO. I've had problems
> > with XFree getting very slow with Applix, but it's possible this is
> > caused by the fvwm window manager (haven't had the time to test with
> > other wm's yet).
> Well, it's not the window manager. Or if it is, then both fvwm and kwm
> are just as bad. Easy test: Open Applix Words, open the Character Format
> window. Keep clicking the left mouse button on the color selection button
> for a while. In the beginning, the colormap is drawn very quickly, but
> after some 20-40 clicks, things become noticeably slow. After a while,
> it takes over a second to draw the colormap... All other things in Applix
> slow down in the same way.
I recognise this. Its Xfree86's handling of colourmaps. The servers
slow down very rapidly if colourmap entries are not correctly freed
after use (probably does a linear search at allocation time). They
also rapidly grow in size in memory :)
Shutting down the client and starting it up again will fix it, not
very satisfactory...
So its a bug in the application, though implementing some form of
colourmap caching in libX11 and linking it with problem applications
might be one way to fix the problem.