Subject: Re: T3/T1 cards - interest
To: Robert V. Baron <>
From: Dennis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/27/1998 11:53:52
At 11:17 AM 10/27/98 -0500, Robert V. Baron wrote:
>Ted Lemon <> writes:
>> > But again, it is _not_ true for all. For instance, there are users of
>> > NetBSD who, say, use AFS with NetBSD. Many of them do _not_ have
>> > source for it (if they did, we wouldn't hear them asking for new
>> > versions to be compiled for -current 8-).
>> Hm. Of course, we get AFS updates quite frequently.
>Since I was the one who asked most recently, ... not really. The best I've
>seen is 1.3G, which could be patched to 1.3H. But that was a long
>time ago. And I'll don't even want to tell you where I found it.
>> > My core thought: don't let a vocal set of what i'll call "open source
>> > bigots" dissuade you from trying to sell your closed-source product.
>> > Sure, some users may choose based on open- vs non-open- source
>> > policies, but for others, as long as they end up with a working card
>> > (with the price or other attributes that they care about), open-source
>> > policy doesn't make a difference.
>> I absolutely agree with this. Just because I can't use the card
>> without source doesn't mean some other NetBSD user can't. Please
>> don't assume I'm speaking for all NetBSD users here. I'm just telling
>> you where I'm coming from, and asking you to please not to dismiss
>> that place as irrelevant. It may be irrelevant to you from a
>> marketing perspective, but it's definitely not irrelevant to me.
Unfortunatly, the question is "Are there enough of them to make it