Subject: Re: does this indicate a bum network card?
To: None <>
From: John Kohl <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/16/1998 23:18:24
>>>>> "MR" == Michael C Richardson <> writes:
MR> ne3 at pci0 dev 13 function 0: Realtek 8029 Ethernet
MR> ne3: where did the card go?
MR> ne3: interrupting at irq 11
I see this on pcmcia ne* attachments, when the PCIC is configured to use
fewer address decode lines than are required to use a particular port
range assigned by the pcmcia code. Solution there is to force the
address allocation range through kernel options, or reconfigure the
hardware/BIOS to let more address decode lines into the PCIC.
Maybe something similar can happen in PCI space--the IO port decode
isn't happening right? [But I don't know anything about the ne* on pci
front-end, so this could be totally off base.]
==John Kohl <>, <>
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