Subject: Re: Serial console problems
To: J Rizzo <>
From: Anders Dinsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/05/1998 21:38:30
On Tue, 1 Dec 1998 09:33:57 -0800, you wrote:
>I've got serial consoles on several i386 machines running 1.3.2,
>and after a certain amount of time, the machines begin behaving
>strangely... any process which wants to write to the console (via =
>for example) hangs, because there's nothing plugged into that serial =
>options "CONSDEVNAME=3D\"com\"",CONADDR=3D0x3f8,CONSPEED=3D9600
>options CONMODE=3D0x0000cb00
I have:
and it works fine (I have nothing plugged into the connector either)!