Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD 1.3.2
To: Joel Reicher <>
From: B. Bogart <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/07/1998 23:45:46
On 07-Dec-98, Joel Reicher wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I have installed netbsd 1.3.2 on my AST bravo p/100 and am not saure how
> > boot netbsd.. i have installed on a an entire secondary IDE drive, I don't
> > know much about PC boot managers... could you suggest any good ones?
> The beta version of os-bs provided in NetBSD-1.3.2/i386/installation/misc
> works fine for booting from a secondary IDE drive _BUT_ it uses a couple
> of sectors in the first track of the first disk so if you are keeping
> anything other than Windows or DOS on that disk you need to make sure that
> the first track is still unused.
> - Joel
hello joel, I am currently using that version of os-bs. I am not sure if its
booting the right thing. firstly i am having trouble reading the patition list
in os-bs, all that is listed is the big dos partition and an unknown and two
unused ones. I assumed that the unknown was netbsd, but when i try and boot it
the system just sits there. I have about 10+ partitions over 2 drives, why is
it not showing me whats really there so i can chose the right one? the default
os would be windows so the track usage is not an issue.