Subject: Re: Booting NetBSD 1.3.2
To: None <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/07/1998 20:40:58
We don't have the most complete set of documentation on the
webpages, but it would be great if people would check there
first, and possibly even make suggestions for additions :)
"Shall I be tempted by the devil thus?"
"Yes, if the devil tempt you to do good..."
On Mon, 7 Dec 1998 wrote:
> > The beta version of os-bs provided in
> > NetBSD-1.3.2/i386/installation/misc works fine for booting from a
> > secondary IDE drive _BUT_ it uses a couple of sectors in the first
> > track of the first disk so if you are keeping anything other than
> > Windows or DOS on that disk you need to make sure that the first
> > track is still unused.
> In particular, an NT installation would be unhappy if you installed
> os-bs on the drive where NT also lives and occupies the first part of
> the drive. Yes, I've done this, and NT had to be reinstalled...
> I seem to remember someone talking about how one could use NT's boot
> manager to boot NetBSD, but I don't recall how. If someone could
> please tell us the details about that, it would be much appreciated.